Galery of Details

 This section is the official gallery of Piroska Gulachi Amulet. You can see the details of this wonderful masterpiece. It is truly awesome to realize that a state of art like this become a mystery. If you want to share or copy the picture, I just remind you to use it wisely. Please enjoy the wonderful details of Piroska Gulachi Amulet, the Sole Masterpiece of a Kind.

The 'Big-nosed Granpa' Side

This is the side where you can see a picture of a 'granpa' with his big nose. The staring eye gives a choleric (strong, aggressive,  leadership, dominating) impression.This may be the masculine significance of the amulet. If you have different idea, please leave your comment.

The 'Long-forehead Grandma' Side 

This is the side where you can see a picture of a 'granma' with her long forehead. The longer  forehead than the eyes makes the face look melancholic (calm, passive, permissive and submissive). This may be the feminine significance of the amulet. If you have different idea, please leave your comment.

1 comment:

  1. how do i write a find a auto biography in 50s she wrote
